Saturday, September 10, 2011


I'm not sure whether it was the gorgeous full moon which kept our bedroom lit all night, or the fact that I'm fixing to write about our trip to Greece over on Miss Becky Goes Abroad, but something got me to thinkin' about Moon-Spinners this morning!

Image from
The Moon-Spinners was a book by Mary Stewart, that I absolutely adored as a teenager.  I knew that the title was based on some legend that was mentioned in the book, but couldn't remember the details.  When I went in search of them, I discovered a lovely blog called Celtic Memory Yarns that all my fiber-fanatic friends are sure to be drooling over!  Its author, Jo, explained that the Moon-spinners were spirits who gathered the moon as it waned, winding its light onto their distaffs, and then took it down to the edge of the sea and washed it, so that it could be spun again for the new moon.  I just love that image, don't you?

Image from
The book was veeerry loosely-adapted into a movie, starring Hayley Mills.  I adored that too, as a younger kid (I think I must have seen the movie before I discovered the book), though the book is much better.  Between the two of them, they planted an indelible picture of Greece in my brain, which probably had a lot to do with it later becoming the very first stop on our European adventure.

Anyhoo, thinking about that movie got me to thinking about Hayley Mills and all her other movies that I have loved over the years, such as Pollyanna and the original Parent Trap, and that got me to wondering just how many of those movies are available on Netflix.  'Cause I'm thinking that, one cold, dreary day this winter, my daughter and I really need to snuggle on the sofa with our fuzzy lap robes, and have ourselves a Hayley-Mills-Marathon, starting with The Moon-Spinners!

Oh yeah!  Don't forget to leave your comment here, if you would like a chance to win that wonderful Hill Country Hippy Anniversary Market Basket Give-Away!  Winner will be announced first thing Monday.


Nellie said...

This takes me back; I remember the Haley Mills movies, and I too absolutely loved Moon Spinners, and all things Haley Mills!

Hill Country Hippie said...

Nellie, do you remember the Pollyanna doll? I remember being in New Orleans with my family, throwing a coin in the wishing well at some restaurant (Court of Two Sisters?), and wishing for a Pollyanna doll. Didn't work.