Sunday, June 12, 2011


Just got back from checking out the renovations, and I'm happy to say, I totally disagree with the report we got from Fiber Woman's son, 007, who worked there every summer when he was in high school.  007 is now a helicopter pilot, and was always a bit of a daredevil.  His favorite thing about Blue Hole was climbing to the tippy-top of those huge tall trees, and jumping into the water from there!

Anyhoo, he got a sneak preview of all the work they had done over the winter, and told his folks "They poured concrete everywhere!  It's totally ruined!"  I thought he meant they had paved the banks of the creek, but as far as I could tell, they had just laid two nice pave-stone pathways, one down each side of the grassy area.

I guess we all hate to see our favorite childhood places change in any way.  I know it was hard on me to go back to our favorite vacation spot in Colorado, and find it all modernized.  However, I think they did a pretty good job here of preserving the original feel of the place, and it's gonna make it so much easier on us old folks.

The Blue Hole, in days gone by.
Most importantly, every person we saw yesterday seemed to be havin' a helluva good time!

There are two new little dock thingies, where the kids launch themselves out on the rope swings, but we Muses will still have the deep end all to ourselves, and now we have a ladder to climb in and out  on, instead of having to hoist ourselves up those tree roots. There are beautiful stone picnic tables, nice lush sticker-free grass to lay our towels out on, and best of all, really nice bath/changing rooms!

Hip Hip, Hooray!  Time for the Muses to go afloatin' -- before this drought makes the water unfit for swimming.

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