Sunday, November 14, 2010


This week I reviewed an interesting book for Story Circle Network, called Prairie Feast: a writer's journey home for dinner, by Amy Jo Ehman. In it, I came across a surprising bit of information. I have always equated spring with abundance, but for those who were living off the land, spring was actually the lean time--the in-between time, when winter stores were running low, but the land was not yet producing anything for them to eat. Now I understand why people become giddy when that first sprig of asparagus pops up, especially in colder climates where winter seems to last forever!

Apparently spring is also a difficult time for animals, which would explain why the deer were raiding my Cantina Garden constantly then, but have only jumped the fence once this fall. An article in The Wimberley View this week explained that they have more abundant food choices this time of year, including acorns, which they adore. They must be in hog heaven right now, for we are having one of those bumper crops you see only once every ten years or so.

Oh. There's one more reason why they aren't messing with my plants right now. It's rutting season, and they have more important things on their minds at the moment. A friend said her eleven-year-old daughter was looking out the window the other day, and saw something interesting going on. "Mom! Look at that buck chasing that doe! He must be really mad at her." "Well dear, he's dealing with a lot of strong emotions right now, that's for sure!"

P.S. Many thanks to for the image above.

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