Monday, August 24, 2009


I knew it was too good to be true. We girls agreed not to meet back up at Mom's until 10:00 Sunday morning. We needed to see what would happen if we weren't there to intervene. Sure enough, they came to wake her up at 7:30 to go to breakfast, and she flat out refused. Well, what did you expect? The woman's had breakfast brought to her in bed for as long as I can remember! Unfortunately, she can't have her insulin without eating something, so this is going to be a problem.

No one believed we could do it, and it almost killed us, but not only did we manage to fit all her furniture in, and get it all arranged, we also got every last box unpacked that day, and found spots for almost all of her clothes, shoes, purses and gee gaws. Hundreds and hundreds of gee gaws. Best of all, she loves the way it looks!

What she doesn't love is going down to the dining room for meals. She wanted us to take her out for both lunch and dinner, but we refused. We knew that if we couldn't get her used to the dining room, while we were there to keep her company and show her the ropes, there wasn't a chance in hell that she would ever go on her own during the week. Boy was she pissed! And all those brownie points we got for transforming her apartment? Right down the drain!

Needless to say, I was more than a little apprehensive when I arrived on Monday morning, to check on her one last time before heading back to Wimberley. She wasn't crying when she opened the door, but as soon as she saw it was me, she burst into tears and began ranting and raving about the horrible, mean nurse who said absolutely terrible things to her that morning, when Mom told her that she was just too ill to get dressed or go to breakfast. In fact, the wretched woman oughtta be shot for the vicious things she said! What was this terrible thing? Brace yourself! She actually had the gall to tell my mother, "Why, I bet you could do anything you really wanted to do." Horrors of War! Where's the firing squad?


d.a. said...

The nerve of that nurse! Sheese! (*laughing*...)

musingegret said...

I was just amazed by your photos ---all the pics hung, gee-gaws arranged, pillows fluffed---you guys worked your butts off! Good job. Now 'Mom' will just have to get accustomed to the cruelty of Nurse Ratched (?!) Time for Tough Love. ;-)