Tuesday, November 18, 2008


What would I do without you? When asked why he wrote, one author replied, "Because my head would explode, if I weren't able to dump its contents out on paper periodically." I know exactly how he feels! I suppose that is why some people are incessant talkers. Perhaps that is just their way of dealing with information overload - processing it in a continuous conversation with themselves, never allowing anyone else to get a word in edgewise.

That does not work for me, I'm afraid. In fact, I have great difficulty holding up even a small portion of a conversation. The words just seem to get all tangled up, tripping and shoving one another aside in their rush to get out. Eventually they tire of the struggle and just give up, leaving me with nary a coherent sentence to offer up. No, 'tis only when I put pen to paper that intelligent thoughts appear, ideas come together, and solutions magically form, weaving themselves together from slender ribbons of ink.

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