Thursday, April 24, 2008


In almost every city we have lived in, I have somehow managed to find a group of women who met once a week on an informal basis. The official designations varied widely - in Bahrain it was the Mah Jong group, in Houston it was the Share Group, in Midland it was the Friday Lunch Bunch, and in Plano it was the Bagel Babes - but the true purpose was always the same. In each group I found women with shared interests who were looking for, and providing, support and encouragement.

In Bahrain they taught me how to survive and flourish in a foreign country. In Houston they helped me through the loneliness and fear of being a new mother who's family support group was far away. In Midland they gave me adult conversation in a world filled with sippy cups and childish chatter. In Plano they kept me up to date on everything that was really going on at the middle school and high school (all those little details that your kids forget to mention). In Katy they gave me a peek into the future, and helped me focus on where I wanted to go and who I wanted to be, once my world no longer revolved around my children.

This week I became part of a new group - the Wimberley Wowies. I've been keeping in touch with several of the women I met at WOW, and we send each other emails when we hear of some interesting event that's coming up. Sometimes we get together for an art showing, a book signing, or a musical event. Each is very talented and extremely interesting, so it's always fun to hear what they have been up to since I saw them last. A couple of days ago I suggested that we meet up at Maui Wowi, a local coffeehouse, so that I could hear about Cheryl's house that she and her husband are building themselves, Deb's amazing garden projects and geological excursions, and Debi's adventures with the Earth Tribe. We had only intended to grab a quick coffee and go, but 2 1/2 hours later there was still much to be shared. We unanimously agreed that a weekly catch-up at Maui Wowi was called for.

I think this is the group that will help me grow and blossom into all that God intended for me to be. Not just someone's wife or mother, but the gen-u-ine, authentic, real and wonderful me!


Ce said...

what a wonderful post... I'm delighted you've found a group of like-minded women there!

It's so neat to read your thoughts while you're discovering your self. It's like watching a beautiful peony bloom:)


Hill Country Hippie said...

Thanks, I feel the same way about your blog!
