Sunday, February 24, 2008


What with Dad's illness and passing, and my seriously boogering up my neck, it seems like forever since we've spent any quality time in Wimberley, or since I've done any writing. In my case, one seems to be dependent on the other. We couldn't go this weekend, because we had tickets to Spamalot. The play was a riot, plus we discovered a great restaurant in the theatre district, so for once, we didn't mind staying in Houston. Unfortunately, we can't go next weekend either, because of John's company picnic. That, we mind! Our son Austin is off in Bonn, Germany doing his semester abroad program, and apparently having one hell of a time, as far as we can tell from his very infrequent messages. For a while, we weren't sure if he would get to go. The passport office had a huge backlog, due to some change in the laws, but Austin's finally showed up at the last second. The round of steroids I took, plus the physical therapy I a still undergoing, have done wonders for my neck, so things are finally beginning to settle down around here.

* * * * *

Did I say things were starting to settle down? Silly me. We just got a call from one of our neighbors up in Wimberley. It seems our roof blew off. Those were his exact words, just "Your roof blew off." John has lots going on at work tomorrow, so he just called and left a message for our insurance agent, and was planning to wait and head up himself on Wednesday, to check on the damage. However, the more he thought about it, the more nervous he got. The way our house is built, the main floor is actually upstairs, and all of our nicest furniture is up there, not to mention the newly refinished hardwood floors. If we have a hard rain while the roof is missing, we could be in big trouble. He has now decided to rearrange all of his meetings and head up there first thing tomorrow morning to meet with the claims adjustor, so we can get underway with repairs as soon as possible.

* * * * *

Meeting with an adjustor is easier said than done. It is now Friday, John has missed an entire week of work, and the guy still hasn't shown up. Apparently we weren't the only ones with wind damage last weekend, and we weren't the first to get our call in to the agent, either. On Wednesday, when I talked to John, I said "Well, if it's true that trouble always comes in threes, we've met our quota now, and can rest easy for a while." Of course, you know what always happens as soon as you say something stupid like that. The next morning, as I was sitting in my favorite cafe before work, having a cup of tea and working on my crossword puzzle, some bozo was backing right into my precious Mini! The damage isn't too horrendous, but she is still new enough that it just hurts my soul to see her in such sad shape, and now I too am spinning my wheels, trying to hook up with insurance people. The news isn't all bad though. It seems that John's agent won't be able to make it by the house before Saturday morning, so we are blowing off the company picnic, and I am heading up to Wimberley to join John just as soon as I get out of physical therapy. Woo Hoo!

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