Friday, June 10, 2016


We have several different thrift stores here in my little town, but one in particular is about to become my new favorite haunt. The others are mostly filled with all the stuff we retirees want to rid ourselves of when we downsize, and the very last thing I need is to bring any of that back into my house! This store, however, is rather small, and so has narrowed its focus to a very specific target audience -- young moms. On one side is a room filled with children's toys, furniture and equipment. On the other is one containing children's clothing and shoes. The central area is full of things mom might want for herself -- stylish shoes, clothes and accessories, and a few items to perk up her home with. Best of all? This shop is right next door to my favorite taco joint!

So, not long after I told you about my magical whatever-you-want-it-to-be shelf, I just happened to be in said taco joint. When I glanced out the window and spotted the thrift store, it occurred to me that it would be the perfect place to find a few accessories for that little shelf. Maybe a child's tool box or something?  Well, this is what I found on my very first visit.

Could it be a more perfect fit?

And I got it all for only $6.99!!!

Of course, it may be awhile before Little Goober is tall enough to reach that shelf...

but, maybe not as long as you'd think. Apparently he grew two inches in his first three weeks. Looks like he's gonna have his daddy's long legs.

Let me hear ya say "Hallelujah!".


Anonymous said...

New Mama looks so relaxed and in love with the little guy. A serene photo. What a cute thing. He will be cooking and playing in the kitchen in no time. xox

Hill Country Hippie said...

She does seem remarkably laid back for a first time mom!