Friday, April 22, 2016


I got my second "Love Note" in the mail this week -- the one based on the "Today is the Day" prompt -- from pen pal Sarah.

Then it was time to send her my third and final Love Note. The theme for this last one? The Key to Happiness! I didn't even need to take a contemplative walk to figure that one out. The answer popped right into my head! I did, however, need a helping hand when it came to the artwork. If you recall, we had a wedding to deal with this week, and not only was I too pooped to pop afterwards, the creative juices just weren't aflowin'! I did, however, have a nice little packet of coloring book post cards, based on Balinese art, that I'd never got around to using. No time like the present, right?

I thank my lucky stars every day that my tribe, whom you know as The Muses, found and adopted me almost immediately upon my arrival here. They truly have been the key to my happiness here in Wimberely!

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