Saturday, September 14, 2013


The second time a piece of art reached out and grabbed me, I was at a party in Indonesia, at my next door neighbors house. After seeing me stuck in my mesmerized state for a good long while, the hostess finally came over to check on me. "What on earth is this?" I asked. "Is it a water color, or what?" "Heavens no", she replied. "It's batik!" No way. I'd seen plenty of batiks before. They were those garish florals you saw in all the tourist shops, and they looked absolutely nothing like this!

At the Fabric Stall
Turns out these were made by an elderly man named Azziz.  He created these masterpieces in a little workshop behind his house, which was in Medan, right there on Sumatra, just a short trip on the company plane from us. I got there just as fast as I could...

Harvest Time

and went back to see him about once a year...

Fruit Sellers

until we were sent home.

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