Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Blue oatmeal again? Criminy! Looks appetizing, doesn't it? At least it wasn't my fault this time. John watered the plants after supper last night, and must have forgot to switch the pump back from well water to rain tank. That's twice in one week that breakfast has been ruined. At least this time I didn't try to eat or drink any of it. Soon as I saw that the tea was dark and murky, instead of a clear amber, I knew I might as well take the oatmeal off the stove and fix myself an egg. Sure enough, the oatmeal had that same, blue-gray scum floating on it -- the one that gave it a distinctive "rocky" taste the other day. Must be all the minerals in our well water. We let the "Culligan Man" take back his equipment a while back. You don't need water softeners for that crystal clear rainwater. At first we didn't notice that much difference when we occasionally slipped up and drank well water. In fact, we thought the straight well water was a bit of an improvement over the salty taste of softened water. I guess those torrential rains we had recently must have stirred things up, loosened some sediment or something. 'Cause now? Now we notice!

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