Saturday, October 8, 2011


Just for the fun of it, I decided to go back and re-read the posts I have written, right around this same time of year, each year that we've had this house.  Oh my gosh, what a trip!

Do you remember this one from '05, called Happy Birthday to Me, about our first drive over to Fredericksburg?  The drive that took almost five hours!

In '06 I wrote I Won't Grow Up, which told of my discovering the Mystery at Jacob's Well.

In the fall of '07, when I wrote Lean On Me, we were recovering from all the repair work that had to be done after our roof just up and blew away, were extremely grateful for the wonderful friends that got us through it, and had just discovered an amazing little cafe, called The Leaning Pear.

In the fall of '08, we began our Year of Reading Dangerously book give-away, I was learning to appreciate Me, As God Intended, and I published my very first pictorial to-do list in She Loves Her Lists.

The next fall I gave you a Sneak Peak at my plans for a Mexican Hacienda Couryard Kitchen Cantina Garden, we learned that our precious Lexie was finally going to return, after four years of living in California, and we had to face up to the fact that the last of our four parents was going steadily downhill, and we were about to become the senior generation! 
 This time last year I was celebrating fall making concrete yard art and having tea parties with the Muses, attending my first ever dinner party held Outstanding In Her Field, and getting ready for my hubby to move to Wimberley full-time, at last!

Hard to believe another whole year has elapsed since then.  Impossible to believe almost seven have passed since we bought this house -- seven years of living the good life!  It's easy to forget, sometimes, what a truly wondrous trip this has been.  Thank goodness I have this blog to remind me!

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