Thursday, January 14, 2010


John and I both hate talking on the phone. Don't know why, we just do. We especially hate making those calls where you must coerce people, ask favors, or anything along those lines. So, throughout our marriage, it has always been one of my pet peeves, that John would pick up the phone at work and call me, just to ask me to make one of those calls for him - a call that he could easily have made himself in the time that it took for him to call and ask me to do it.

I have several of those calls on my to-do list, and I've been dragging my feet and feeling grumpy about them for a while now. Yesterday, when I spoke with John, he seemed very down in the dumps. Turns out he'd just had to call one of his employees in, and lay him off - a task that always tears him to pieces. Come to think of it, maybe my having to make all of the calls involving service people isn't such a bad trade-off after all. For now. But once you retire, Buster, it's even-steven all the way!

P.S. Many thanks to for the above image.


Teri H said...

Yet another commonality... I despise making phone calls!

Linda said...

My husband is retired and still asks me to make these phone calls and I hate it. What makes it worse is, once I get the phone to my ear he starts telling me what to say!!

Hill Country Hippie said...

Teri, glad I'm not the only one!

Linda, has anyone ever told you that you are just way too nice?